
Message from the President

Message from the President

Since its establishment in 1956, Kanden Power-Tech has been expanding its business as a group of professional engineers who strongly support the safe operation of Kansai Electric Power Company (KEPCO)'s thermal and nuclear power plants and play indispensable roles in the integrated energy business while responding to various trends in energy and environmental policies surrounding the electric power industry.

Along with operation and management of environmental facilities, fuel supply facilities, receiving and shipping LNG, and recycling coal ash and other materials at KEPCO's thermal power stations, we provide professional skills and manpower to thermal and biomass power stations built or owned by the PPS (Power Producers and Suppliers). Additionally we are dispatching operators to SPring-8 large-scale synchrotron radiation facility and promoting products that are useful for disaster prevention and mitigation.

In nuclear power stations owned by KEPCO, in addition to the operation and maintenance (O&M) of auxiliary facilities, treatment of radioactive waste, radiation control, chemical analysis, environmental radioactivity measurement, and firefighting, we are responsible for strengthening decommissioning efforts and operating decommissioning plant facilities in recent years. Moreover, since the Great East Japan Earthquake, we have been actively supporting the enhancement of the nuclear regulations and the bolstering of voluntary initiatives by nuclear operators to further improve the safety of nuclear power generations.

Our strength lies in solid technology and know-how cultivated over the past 60 years with the proven track record of safety and security services. While utilizing these strengths, we are taking initiatives to expand our business to O&M of thermal power stations built across Japan and overseas. We view the current successful leaps of our business rapid momentum as an opportunity to make further leaps of success.

Kanden Power-Tech will continue to embark through competitive times with our entire company united as a whole so that our customers regard us as a reliable partner in electricity business. We sincerely ask for your further support and guidance to us.

Hiroshi Nakajima, President and CEO